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(1) Finite-time boundedness for switched systems subject to both discrete and distributed delays,Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control,39(1): 107-113, 2017.SCI
(2) Finite-time stabilization of switched nonlinear systems with partial unstable modes,Applied Mathematics and Computation,291(1):172-181, 2016.
(3) A novel design method for resolver-to-digital conversion,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,62(6):3724-3731, 2015.SCI
(4) Average dwell time approach to finite-time stabilization of switched singular linear systems.Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 352(7): 2920-2933, 2015.SCI
(5) Finite-time stability analysis of impulsive discrete-time switched systems with nonlinear perturbation. International Journal of Control, 87(11), 2365-2371. 2014,SCI
(6) Finite-time boundedness of switched delay systems: the reciprocally convex approach. IET Control Theory & Applications, 8(15): 1575-1580.2014,SCI
(7) On finite-time stability for nonlinear impulsive switched systems,Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications,14(1): 807-814, 2013.SCI
(8) On exponential stability analysis for neural networks with time-varying delays and general activation functions,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 17(3):1447-1459, 2012.SCI
(9) Robust H∞ control of discrete-time Markovian jump systems in the presence of incomplete knowledge of transition probabilities and saturating actuator,International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 22(15): 1753-1764, 2012.SCI
(10) Finite-time stability analysis of impulsive switched discrete-time linear systems: The average dwell time approach,Circuits Systems and Signal Processing, 31(5): 1877-1886, 2012.SCI
(11) Finite-time stability for continuous-time switched systems in the presence of impulse effects,IET Control Theory and Applications, 6(11): 1741-1744, 2012.SCI
(12) New results on guaranteed cost control of uncertain discrete systems with both state and input delays,International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, 7(4): 1713-1723, 2011.SCI
(13) Controller synthesis for Markovian jump systems with incomplete knowledge of transition probabilities and actuator saturation,Journal of the Franklin Institute-Engineering and Applied Mathematics, 348(9): 2417-2429, 2011.SCI
(14) Furtherresults on robust variance-constrained filtering for uncertain stochastic systems with missing measurements,Circuits Systems and Signal Processing, 29(5): 901-912, 2010. SCI
(15) A new method for exponential synchronization of chaotic delayed systems via intermittent control,Physics Letters A, 374(19-20): 2024-2029, 2010. SCI
(16) Exponential synchronization of master-slave Lur'e systems via intermittent time-delay feedback control,Communications in Theoretical Physics, 54(4): 679-686, 2010.SCI
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